Sunday, June 16, 2013

a small update!

Knowing that some people still visit here now and then...and knowing that I have no plans to post here or revive Small Meadow Press, I thought I would write a small update. I will keep this little blog open, for sentiment's sake and to keep the Home Learning Notes always available (in the left sidebar).
But if you would like to know what I doing and offering currently, you may visit the new website I created at

Just as it feels so good to pare down and simplify at home, I realized recently that it would feel very good to do the same online. So I've been letting go of what I can online and making the rest as simple and tidy as possible. 

The new website gives glimpses and links to my brand-new e-greetings site and Wisteria & Sunshine and also the two blogs where I plan to continue to The Bower often and at my old caregiving blog when I can.

You can leave comments at the new site, or here for that matter, and I hope to always stay in touch one way or another. The comments left here are one of the reasons I want to keep it open. I am ever grateful for your interest and support over the years. 

See you in the new spaces and I wish each of you well with your own journey, with its bends and dips and rocky patches and sunny, grassy spots...
